well, here are a couple new pictures of seth. he's getting to where he can stand if he pulls himself up. the one with his toungue sticking out, i think he's maybe feeling his new tooth, or teeth. he might be getting a brother. maybe, a little older than him. maybe about the age of one year, where he is 7 months. this would be kind of neat, being practically twins with someone of a different race. maybe they'll be like on scrubs, where one calls the other "brown bear" or something stupid like that.
well, i didn't get the thermo fisher job. this is a bad time for me to look for work, well, not bad, just awkward. me working tonight, and tomorrow night, then leaving for a week. i guess i don't HAVE to yet, until i get back. but i've put in a application at gossners.
here's something interesting, i didn't get a job which is security. something i consider myself very qualified in. not mentioning that it's been my job for the last two years, i have all that military experience, road blocks, search points, etc. how can someone NOT hire me for that? it's ok though, it's not really a good job, with a good company that i like. i tried schreibers, but they're not hiring right now. maybe in the future, so maybe they'll pay for education. the problem with a job paying for education is that they're paying them selves right out of a job! but it's good that the company wants people to improve their lives, and therefore the economy. i've looked into that company quite a bit, and i'm impressed with it i think. that and thermo fisher. both good companies.
i'm going to put a thing on here i think my brother wrote. this is in his blog. and i think it is good, and so i will post it.
he calls it on his blog a "letter to my 6th grade teacher" maybe if he didn't write it, he'll set me straight.
No, there is nothing wrong with my seat. I may look like i'm squirming, but i'm not. In fact, i'm holding still. It just so happens that i am twelve years old and fascinated by unconventional applications of mechanics.
See? My legs are like a lever. The very front of the bottom of my seat is the fulcrom. It's like my body is floating.
Also, look... what is the weight that is lifting the body? I'd say it isn't weight... It's tension. My toes are against the legs that are holding the whole fulcrom assembly in place. More than providing the tension to lift my body, they're keeping it from slipping out of the seat. Yes. I am twelve years old and interested in physics. (in a loose sense of the word.)
Please, don't call attention to it. Before you noticed it, nobody else was paying attention to it. Now, though, Now that you have addressed it, they've stopped listening. Now they're looking... looking at that awkward boy who didn't disrupt the class.
Yes. I WAS eating sunflower seeds in your class three hours ago. Please allow me the dignity of denial. I'm already cleaning them up in front of a class of strangers... You're so responsible, why didn't you have the janitor just vacuume it up during lunch? i mean, you had an entire HOUR without a class.
But no... You HAD to teach someone a lesson... What does THAT have to do with english?
People probably wouldn't even have READ that note. It was a bit verbose.
I have an awkward sense of humor. "Kick me" simply wouldn't do. you're a MATH teacher, for crying out loud. Anyway, i knew it wasn't that funny... but here you are, calling attention to my non-funniness in front of the class. In a few moments, my english teacher will arrive... something about a mess on the floor beneath the group eight cluster of desks... "sunflower seeds? why no, i know nothing about it... but since it was my group, and nobody else will confess, i'll clean it up." but i guess it doesn't work that way, does it...?
Either I'll agree to clean it up AND he'll announce to the class that i made a mess, OR, he'll announce to the class that i made the mess, and THEN i'll clean it up.
But no... do go on. I'm so interested in HOW you knew it was I who taped the note to your back. Can i help that i'm interested in words and how they work?
Huh? oh, nothing. I didn't sneak anything into my mouth... I know what you heard in the teachers' lounge at lunch, but if it were true, don't you think a janitor would have known something about it? besides, i didn't know PE teachers had lunch breaks... I know i'm a smart alec, you should see the note i taped to the math teacher. but you know what? he never decided to step on my shin and tap me in the stomach with the toe of his gym shoe... I'm not sure which of us that action makes look like an idiot: You for doing it, or me for crying. I can't help that i'm sensitive... or that you knocked the wind out of me... or that i have your shoe print on my leg...
I'm twelve and awkward and too intelligent for my age. Sorry for the inconvenience.
clever i say. clever. and that is all for this
1 comment:
Okay, so I'm a little slow. I just found this. You should post the link on the family website and/or copy some of this stuff in 'cause it's nice to hear how you're doing.
The picture of Seth under the table is one of my favorites...I guess cause he's getting into trouble and so pleased about it. :)
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