so, i have finally the time to sit down and do this.
i've been 3 wheeling alot. almost everyday. it lets sarah have some charlie time.
so here's what happened.
i'm working at gossners...i speak to hardly anyone, then one day my boss comes to me, and say's folks been a complainin about me being mean. here's the thing, i AM mean, but THEY didn't know that! one more complaint, and i'm gone.
then i got 4 more complaints. speculations? people take comments as insults, when they are just facts. exampli gratia: if you're fat, and smell sour because of it, that's a fact. right? not meanness.... actually this one is a better example,
if a guy is from england, and he's in america, and an american tells him that a person can't trust the government, and that's how the founding fathers designed this nation, and they tell you maybe YOUR government can't be trusted, so you tell them it was the mistrust of his government that made us decide that a government wasn't to be trusted, and that the reason one can't take guns away from everybody but the government is because of that particular fact, so his theory about no guns=peace while sounding nice, can't be possible because of things which have happened in history like the holocaust, or mr stalin. and that being from england, you'd think he'd have taken that into account. then further telling him that bush may not be the most mocked president, because of all the time we've had to mock nixon.
apparently all that is an insult to his nation and way of life.
so, instead of working for the man, i'm squandering money riding a three wheeler most of the time. (heh, man, that really makes me sound like a bum... but maybe i am.. maybe i am)
so here's some pictures.
we also have a birth announcement, if you want one, email me your address. schmit_joe@hotmail.com
also, no, i have no idea why i chose schmit.
three wheeling: we bought two (me and a friend when in halfsies) for fifty bucks (not each) we fixed them up, and when we thought they were running fine, i took mine out.... it leaked oil like crazy. i'm sorry to say, i ruined the environment more than my share that day. i spread at least 10 quarts of dirty oil across the mountains that day. so we fixed that, and the next time i took it out, it died, rust in the gas tank clogged it all up. i was angry. but that was an easy fix.
so i'm riding it, and the chain i haul around with me, comes out of the back, and wraps itsself around the axle. ruins most of my plastic on that side.
and now i can't get rid of the chain, because it's pretty much welded to my rack.
we're taking nate (lila's fiance) out today. he also has a lot of stress with three wheelers, so lets hope it works out for us.
i accidently have been feeding my son soy based formula. i was mad when i finally looked. ridiculous!
i don't know if i believe it or not, especially with all the other websites out there which show research also, but it's a compelling argument, and i for one, dont' want him to be gay because of something i feed him... choice only.
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