they are the greatest people i've ever met.
well, this time, they stopped by sarah's dads house, and he wasn't home yet. after waiting, they decided to come try to find my house. so they drove the streets of wellsville, until they decided they were just plain lost. every bit they drove, got less familiar. so they stopped to ask a man in a tractor for help. grandpa didn't want to, but he was forced. of course he thought it was a stupid question "do you know where josiah maughan lives?" this town must be bigger than that! but he asked anyway. the response?
"of course i do, that's my cousin. i'm going that way now, just follow me"

this lady is hard to get a good picture of. she doesn't like pictures of her. so if she knows one is being taken, she glares and turns away. this time i took a random picture of sarah's dad, which he reacted to. she thought it was funny, and i caught her in the best picture taken of her there is.
she was pissed.
well, like i said, they're old. this man cannot see anymore really. he used to love to read. he worked with his hands as much as he could. little mechanic time we were looking through a photo album, and he started to explain a picture of amy, where it was, why he took it etc. but it wasn't of amy, it was a cactus. with his failing eyesight, his whole lifestyle is going away.that's how old people are i guess. well, so sarah's dad insisted that he take his father for a motorcycle ride. the last one of his life probably. it was tough to get him to agree, and it was tough to get him on the bike, but there it is, sarah's dad and grandpa on this bike.

well, it's easier to get a good picture of this man. sarah say's it's wierd to see him with our baby. because he is so proud of him. he'd never say it, well, he might, but he doesn' have to. the look on his face say's it all.

heres' a couple of charlie. one i didn't know was focused on something else, and not him. bad guess camera. and also, bad knowing how to change that, joe.
he is of course the cutest when he sleeps. well, maybe not. but he definately is a very cute kid while he's sleeping.
he's starting to smile more and more. he smiles on demand now. and that's what this picture is, the best caught smile there is. he's like his great grandma. as soon as there is a camera around, here come the glares. but these three pictures are exceptions i guess.
quick update. i traded that truck for a blazer. remember? well, i've been having a hard time getting the motivation, money, and help to fix it up, so i've probably traded it for a truck which already runs, a little ford f250. i like this for several reasons.
1. no top to put on and take off.
2. it's actually a truck
3. it's a ford. i'm a ford man. the blazer is of course, a chevy.
Hmmmm...he just take after his Daddy. I seem to remember that you don't like smiling much for pictures either, Joe.
i'm constantly amazed how cute your kids are. and they even look like you which makes it even more amazing!!
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