so i've known about this video for a while. but i haven't shared it. it's questionable. people get mad at me for thinking it's funny. there's no curse words, and it's not dirty. but it's still a little risk-ay.
so here it is. afterwords i'll put a couple cute new ones of seth and charlie here.
..>Knock Knock on FunnyOrDie.com..>
not funny? fine. here's a website that has more hilarious video's. it's funnyordie.com i think will farrell made this site. it's like utube, except it's at least semi proffesional videos.
i'm too lazy to organize, so there's just a bunch of pictures on top.
oh, and by the way. charlie is getting blessed on june the first. anyone... and i mean anyone, who wants to come, may. call me. but more personally, come to the lunch thing we're having afterwards. it'll be at the wellsville tabernacle, june first at around 1100. another great opportunity to have all our friends and family near.
so, and explanation of pictures.
the first one is the donkey. he's out there in a light snow. as far as i know, not many people have seen said donkey. he's young, and is funny to interact with. very scared sometimes. i don't like that, i think someone must've been harrassing him at my grandma's house. i take him on walks sometimes, up into the mountains, through fields, into and out of the canal, he's much farther along than i thought he would be. he just loves walking. the grass used to be long back in my back yard. but he's eaten it pretty much down. this will help alot with the weeds that have made their way into our yard. not to mention the crab grass.
he poos in one spot like a dog. in one corner. nowhere else. isnt' that strange? i think so. i'm glad that's the case though, it gives me an opportunity to shovel it up, and bury it. soon we'll have an abundance of fertile dirt with which to patch spots in our lawn, fill sunken spots in our lawn etc. eg, i pulled up a tree root. a pine tree... horror of a time, and left a large hole. i put a bunch of biodegradable things in that hole before i put the dirt back in that came out. i've been slowly filling it. and now it's not a hole, but it's still sunken to the point it's hard to mow. but there is a lot of grass in there. that's a good thing, that it was able to easily grow grass. my sprinkler system leaks, the excess water gathers in that sunken area.
the next is of our dog. yodi. first before the hair cut. very hairy. looks like he lives with an old lady that neglects him. the next is him after the cut.
you ever seen "my name is earl"? in pictures his eyes are always closed. well, yodi for some reason, though we rarely see his tongue, it's out alot in pictures. maybe he flicks it out and in at lightening speed all the time.
next is seth. he plays a game with these balls, where he throws (drops) it, then gets it. like playing fetch with himself. this time it was on top of a chair. apparently, even when he's busy fetching, he still has time to smile for a picture.
i like this next one of seth. i like the idea that he was a little angry about being there, until he had his cars. he kept that one in his pocket the rest of the day. while i'm not wild about the concept of bribery to children (rewards are better, and teach very different things) i like the idea that he required these things. and that he likes these cars. you know what i mean?

these other pictures are of course, of charlie. great kid. never cries for just no reason. on the lawn (where the dog lurks behind all) charlie looks like he was reading, and someone bothered him. well, he would if there was a book there.
next an unflattering one of me with long long hair (longest i've had in 6 years) and a beard (longest i've had in two) we both look pretty upset that we're awake.
what was i thinking with that long hair? sometimes i think it looks good long, and when i cut it it's refreshing to know i look better with short hair. leastways i thinks so.
then me and charlie, me spitting out a toothpick. i hope when it lands it's not on the baby's eye! (it wasn't of course)
make sure you share this video with your friends. make sure they dont' have loved ones that are close to them that have committed suicide, or that their personal experiences don't include molestation etc etc etc. or they won't think it's funny. well, some might.... the ones who can laugh at themselves. hopefully noone who see's this is one that would be laughing at THEMSELVES while watching this. if it is you.... seek help please.
1 comment:
Well, I'm glad that you liked those pictures of Seth. I should burn all 100 or so that we took of him onto a CD because you often seem to like the ones where he's kind of making funny expressions.
Katie say the picture of Charlie with the dog in the background and asked how he was and then said, "That dog's going to eat him?" She was pretty concerned for Charlie's safety.
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