so we visited texas. on the way there we stopped in at the billie the kid museum, where charlie was arrested. this is him in jail.

the amazing thing about this museum has always been the calf with three two bodies. it's been there for years. one head two bodies. there is no way to get a good picture of it. like those giant tree's.... how do you show how magnificent they are?

also, we found out he doesn't really like that lion. here's him in an argument with him.
he was very bored sitting int the same position facing away from everyone for those twenty hours. poor kid. he did really well though. he was a good sport. it was the way back that he didn't really like.

everyone has one aunt i'm sure, that pinches your cheeks. this was that aunt. aunt lucy. really, she's my mom's aunt.

we're at the lake here. there's a family guy episode, where he's going to tell a racist joke, so before, he looks everywhere. he looks around corners, etc etc etc. and when it comes time for the punchline, a black guy pops out of the potted plant and asks whats up. the joke is then changed to teach black ideals. right here in the picture, i'm telling a black joke, and one car away is the biggest black man i've ever seen.
the moral of the story? don't. don't tell black jokes, unless you're in utah.

here's gideon and mayra. on my grandma's porch

so me and my cousins daughter alura got into an argument. for a long time we repeated ourselves before it got physical. and she has a twin sister named seven that backs her up. so what'd i have to do? after this offending punch, things got a little out of hand

this is me body slamming seven. i guess she'll think twice before sticking up for her very argumentative sister....

awww, an adorable little girl annemarie. my cousins daughter. my cousin is very pretty too. who is named belen, which i think means bethlehem. a very beautiful name... though i think it's just a middle name.. .i don't really know, but i think her first name is norma.

and my uncle fred. always the nicest guy i've known, i've never known this man to be angry. i accidently got him a diet pepsi, instead of a regular... and he said...."diet" like he was dissappointed. where i would've been angry. i know that's not really a good example, but... i guess i don't have one.
i hope he restores those vehicles he's been wanting too.

we went back to lake nasworthy the next day. this time near a water fall. we put charlie in the water (the temperature was 100 that day.... so we let him try it out) he was scared with the current, and cold of course. but it wasn't long, and i think in the end, he kind of enjoyed it.

my uncle fred again. with his third son josh and his three kids. seven, allura, and rannin. i'm not sure if i spelled any of those right. it's good to see that man smiling. i can't imagine how happy he was then, seeing his children and grandchildren. it's not that common.

am i in a movie here? no. lake nasworthy. yes. i am that white.

this is interesting, we were trying to make gideon look like he was walking on water. no, if you zoom in, or look closely, you can see that he's actually drowning someone.

we went to a wedding too. this is me cleaned up.

my cousins. so here's my family on that side. my uncle fred's biological children include scott, josh, brian, erica, and beaudilio. the children from umparo is named, belen, mayra, and mario.
this is belen mayra, and erica. erica has always reminded us of two people. my mom, and my sister.

this is my abuelita. i love seeing her with my son. he threw up all over her though. very cute old lady. and amazing. so there's something i want you to see. so go down to the house pictures.

umparo and rannin

so like i said i was a little hot in texas. so i enjoyed an otter pop, and my son enjoyed a bottle.
this is unrelated, but i lived with a man once. that's not the story though. we were sitting around asking eachother what we wanted to be when we "grew up" when we were children. some people say cop, fireman, dancer etc etc etc. this man wanted to be the ceo of otter pop. he even wrote them to apply for a job in fifth grade.....
dream on drew. dream on.

here's where i want you to see how amazing my grandma is. every window in this house has been updated by her. those cabinets you see she carried in herself. none of the walls had drywall on them. she put drywall up all over the house including the ceiling, painted it, and installed all these things. her parents built this house. her mom died here. it's a very small crooked house, with no foundation. she also dug under it, and lifted parts of it with a jack, and threw bricks underneath to keep it steady.

this is the back of the house.

seven. pretty picture of her.

1 comment:
Josiah and Sarah - I loved seeing all the pictures of your family. Charlie is a little doll! Hope you're all doing well - Kathy Haynie (Polly's mom)
(My login says "Mrs. Haynie" because I use it for school with the students.)
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